The surge in pandemic last year, and also this year, has shown us how tough it is for us to spend productive time with our own selves. With the world and jobs moving at a wrecking speed, people are conditioned to ignore their own selves and follow the typical nine-to-five routine.

What is Headspace?

As the name suggests, the fine aim of Headspace is to provide your mind with space to work on itself and grow. Headspace, which is not only a mediation app, but also a self-help app.

If you’re someone like me, you too are not good at giving rest to your mind. With jobs and assignments running on us till the weekends, and onto the next week, with work piling up until you’re beneath a mountain of assignments. This is where Headspace comes to play. Just choose from 1 minute, 5 minute or 10 minutes, and enjoy a mindfulness session.

How does it feel to use Headspace (Design)?

According to its creator, the aim of the application is to be as subtle and sober as it can be. Headspace has a very polite white background with content appearing over it, which is soothing to your eye and calms your mind down with its simplicity.

Headspace aims to keep your mindful moments organized and easy to track. With its Today section, you can continue your classes with a particular aim, whether its focus, emotion, panic or anxiety.

Switching between tabs is as smooth as clicking a button, and whatever you look for is easily searchable and accessible. 

With its cross-sync feature, you can install Headspace on any device and continue where you last left, without the hassle of suffering to find the last session you attended.

In design and fluidity, headspace has to be the most easily navigable app right now, out there in the Health market. In addition, it also pairs with Apple Health app, and Android’s Fit App.

What all can I do with Headspace?

As of right now, Headspace is a totally free application and is available both on App Store and Play Store. 

While the main focus of Headspace is mindfulness, during the onset of COVID-19 pandemic the application added additional features like stress release workouts, soothing songs playlists and additional meditation sessions. 

The feature that I personally find astonishing and positive is the daily mindful moment. Under this spectacular series, Headspace provides you daily quotes, sentences or positive effects of Meditation. These lines or a simple meditation because of the mindful moment can kick start your day with positivity and the courage to conquer the world!

Why should I use it?

Why should someone use something they have not had personal interaction with, and it is a legitimate question to ask. 

With Headspace, you have a proper go-through meditation sessions from the comfort of your home. While meditation is seen as some superhuman formula, Headspace simplifies it by telling you it’s okay to feel sleepy in the first 3-4 sessions and then you really start to improve. The app guides you step-by-step in becoming your better self and giving you the complete autonomy to think as you like, with the mixture of meditation.

Final Verdict

Headspace is your total package of good mental health, and it is said if you’re strong in your head, you also feel physically strong. I would personally recommend the app to anyone who feels the burden of work, and it seems like your mind is just full and can’t take it anymore.

With that said, I would give Headspace a full 5/5 score for the awesomeness it has to bring your mind to peace and help you become vigilant both from inside and outside.

~Varun Malik